Bad Trip experience

Okay so I don’t smoke weed or eat edibles. I’ve smoked weed but I’ve never actually gotten high till the other day... I’ve been saying that dabs and edibles won’t do shit to me and my husband and brother in law were laughing saying it will .So I tried dabs from my brother in law a week ago and it didn’t do much to me but make me feel like I had a fat head if that makes sense and I went to bed. Fast track to Saturday night my bIL got edibles and offered me some. I had 3 and they were 10 ml each. I go lay down and few minutes later I feel it. I ate them around 6 or 7 pm. It doesn’t scare me at first because it’s cool my body is vibrating I feel like I’m on a roller coaster. But then I almost swallow my tongue, I start panicking because my world is dizzy, my heart is beating so fast, I hit my vape and it makes the high worse 🤢 I’m crying at this point because I feels constantly like I’m on a roller coaster and everything is so messed up and my face does these weird twitches...I honestly felt like a mental patient....I tried eating and drinking but I couldn’t drink that well nor eat without choking 🙄 my BIL and husband are asking me questions trying to calm me down because I’m twitching and saying I constantly hear music in my head and I’m afraid I’ll be like this forever and I’m telling them that I can’t respond as fast as I want because it’s hard to zone back in and make myself talk. finally after Ive had it and I want the night to end I crawl in bed (it was around 9) with my husband and I try to watch a movie and I couldn’t even comprehend what was happening and it was like I was there but I couldn’t talk or move it was like in those falling dreams where you’re falling and suddenly jump and you’re aware again. Constantly it was like this. Closing my eyes didn’t work for shit. Finally I give in and let shit run its course and I fall asleep but wake up with a stupid headache that lasted all day and still a little bit of after affects of being high. My chest was even hurting I thought I needed to go to the ER.

Has this ever happened to y’all ? I wanted my first experience being high to be fun and I thought that the way some of y’all talk about it that it would be cool to try... but mine turned into a nightmare. I was told maybe it was the movie I was watching before I got high or the game I was playing that contributed to it being a bad trip and I should have probably listened to chill music or something. I feel cheated kinda.

EDIT : it was sour gummies not brownies. And I don’t think it was shrooms but I could be wrong I just know they got it from the dispensary