When did you ovulate after miscarriage ?


Hello ladies ! I just suffered my first miscarriage. I was supposed to be 7+4 but I started bleeding heavily out of no where and when I got the ultrasound there was no baby . I saw a heartbeat at 5+6 . My bleeding started the 31st and ended the 5th . I had a natural miscarriage and have been given the go ahead to try again . Did any of you track everything after your miscarriage? Like when your pregnancy tests went negative and when you ovulated ? I heard if your mc was early it gets treated as a period and you can ovulate within 2-3 weeks. Has this happened to anyone ? Did you get pregnant before a period after your miscarriage. If so please share your story ! My hcg is slowly going away I’m hoping it’ll be completely gone by Wednesday. The lh tests have gotten lighter so I’ll take another when I get a negative on the hcg. I just went to the bathroom and when I wiped I saw pink spotting ? Is this my period could this be ovulation?