TTC 50 mg Clomid


This year in June, I had a partial oophorectomy, I have 1 working ovary (my right) and I have a small bit of my left one, not sure if it's capable of ovulating at all. I had to do all this because I had a nice size mass that grew on my left ovary on to my uterus and also had some endometriosis growing my uterus over to my bladder, the mass along with most of my left ovary and the endometriosis were removed. I healed pretty nicely as far as what I can see and how I feel. My period was also still on time. I started my 1st cycle of Clomid in August on cycle day 5-9, we did bloodwork on cycle day 19 and my progesterone level was around 40, also did an ultrasound and there were follicles on my right ovary. I am still not pregnant, I usually have 28 day cycles with Clomid, as of this month, it turned into a 30 day cycle. Does anyone have some experience to this or something similar? Overall we've been trying to conceive for almost 2 years now. We weren't aware of the mass until April and had it taken care of June. We are really trying to conceive but it seems that it's much more difficult, we did the sperm analysis and everything came back normal. Any suggestions or tips and ideas of what we can do to help with conceiving? I've been looking into acupuncture.... who knows anymore, feeling so desperate lately. Starting round 2 of Clomid this month.