Cycle length and pregnancy predictions


Hi all! This is my first month off birth control which I have been on for years so I have no clue what a normal cycle is for me. I started off putting in the app a 28 day cycle but i had a lot of symptoms including pretty bad right side only cramping and then some spotting mid cycle. Everything I’ve read indicates that could be ovulation related. But it was a couple days later then when I should have ovulated. On a 28 day cycle today would be my first day of my period. I’ve had some dark brown spotting but no real period yet today.

Then I messed with the number of days to get the “ovulation spotting” to line up with the ovulation date in the app turning it to a 32 day cycle meaning my period would be in 4 days meaning maybe the spotting could be implantation bleeding? (Crossing my fingers) I’ve included my chart pics the first one being 28 days and the second being 32 days. Tell me what you think if you think one might be more likely than the other. (How common is 28 days exactly anyways)

Next I’d love to hear your predictions if you think I’m pregnant or if my period is starting?

First pic is 28 day cycle second pic is 32 day cycle