Worrying creates Stress.., stress is harmful for your child

Please ladies stop working yourselves up with “is labor coming soon” if you are late third trimester the answer is yes soon ... no one on this app knows if you will be having your baby tonight if you sit there worrying writing an entire dissertation you are doing more harm than good.

Take deep breaths, your body will tell you when its time...

High blood pressure during pregnancy is a no no, keep yourself and mind relaxed..lost your plug? Okay awesome.. but if your water hasn’t broken, and you aren’t having regular contractions lasting a minute , 2-5 mins apart , for an hour,. Just be happy your body is getting ready and relax .. I only write this out of concern that lots of ladies are seriously stressing on here raising risks instead of like raising awareness.. you have questions awesome, this is the place... but this app should not facilitate your stress .