Just because gift ideas


I need some idea! I want to do something little for my SO to cheer him up a little and to show him I appreciate him.

We have been working so hard for the past 2 months fixing up a house, only to find out today that we cant move in. We dont yet live together. So he was angry about that.

Hes also been trying to get a different job, hes miserable at the one hes at. He applied at this place and they told him he would get hired, but they have yet to call him and classes start on monday so, we're assuming they just lied to him and they arent really hiring him.

I want to get him or do something for him to cheer him up. I looked on pinterest already but didnt really see anything I liked. I thought about going to his house and leaving sticky notes all over his room with cute stuff written on them but... I dont know. Any other ideas?