Do you expect loyalty in the talking stage?

Let’s say you’re “seeing” someone and it’s actually pretty serious like he’s told you he feels like it’s serious but neither of you are ready for a whole relationship and just want to take things slow.

But he wants to sleep with other people. And me. He wants to put all his time into me like dates and spending almost all his free time with me but have little flings on the side for fun too. I told him no and cut it off. I’m not putting my energy into something like that, just feels like a waste of time. I asked him if he’s okay with me sleeping with other people and he got defensive and said “that’s not my business.” And I was like “ooooooh you right.” And dropped him. 🤣

I don’t know, it just didn’t feel right. I don’t plan to sleep around with people (no hate to people that do but I just can’t) and don’t want to share a sex partner with other women. Just, no thank you.

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