Do I tell him I love him???

Soooo my friend group from home (I’m at college right now) is primarily made up of guys. We’ve all known each other pretty much forever. Long story short I kinda fell for one of them and over the summer we started dating. I mentioned to one of our mutual best friends that I think I’m in love with him... so he proceeded to feel out the situation and it made my boyfriend start thinking about it... my boyfriend told me that saying I love you is a huge deal to him (which is how it should be). He is definitely going to wait to say it until he’s VERY serious about it. I am definitely falling in love with him. I am in love with him. I don’t want to tell him I love you in case it freaks him out but should I tell him I’m falling in love with him? I would hate to not say it then something wild happen and never get the opportunity but I also know to straight up say I love him would freak him out a little rn I think.