Rescued this darling tonight.

Meet Rose. My SO and I are adopting her as of right now. She was abandoned a year ago, has become almost emaciated in my MILs words (with the help of the neighborhood she was in she got food but not enough to maintain weight). She is the sweetest girl in all the world but this transition tonight is hard for her and there are signs I'm seeing of her possibly having been abused by a woman... she is tons more skeptical of me, she will NOT jump on anything (she was caught once on the counter, nothing was said but as soon as she realized she was found out she jumped down, but we dont mind her there), she tries her hardest to communicate her needs but is a little skittish here and there (I walked from the bathroom to the living room and when I walked into the living room she hissed and ran away. I was just walking though), she wont eat food from a bowl for long it seems as if she prefers to be handfed but will mewl the entire time she is eating, she hasn't used the litter box yet but we can tell she knows what it is. There's more I cant think of right now but yeah if anyone has advice on how to deal/help her that would be appreciated. I just want to do right by this little girl. I already love her so much. She is my baby.