30 weeks with major body image issues

Heather • Pregnant with #2!! . 4 year old daughter and happily married ❤️❤️

I’m 30 weeks pregnant and have suffered with body image issues this entire pregnancy. I think because I lost over 100 pounds after I had my first daughter and maintained for two years with diet and exercises. I still eat healthy and workout at least three days a week. But I’m still gaining fast even though everything I eat is healthy and I’m still exercising 😔 I’ve been seeing a therapist about it and it’s not helping . My husband suggested a maternity shoot so “I can see what he sees” I got them back and HATTTTEEEEE the way I look . I look bigger in th photos than I thought I was 😔 I cried ALL DAY yesterday . Idk I guess I posted here in hopes I’m not alone .

I attached a picture of my daughter as well because well.... she’s soo stinking cute.