Wasp sting

Okay so on either the 1st or 2nd of this month, I got stung by 3 wasps at once

It was my first time ever getting stung by a wasp, or really anything.

My 2 year old also got stung, but only once

Her sting didnt swell, or bleed, or ooze anything. It was just red around the location for a few hours. I gave her benadryl and put on after bite immediately though, just in case. (We were 45 minutes away from the nearest hospital, and not in a service area, wasn't taking any chances)

Okay, so now my stings were welted majorly, very red and hot. I took benadryl as well and put on after bite as well. But I had a lot of trouble sleeping that night because of irritation, it was pretty painful, and the irritation didnt stop until like a week later. They started oozing like a clear liquid, and itching terribly, like worse than a mosquito bite. They also started bleeding, but that's probably because I scratched them.

And now, a week and a half later, it looks like a chunk is taken out of my leg.

Is this normal? Both me and my daughter got completely different reactions