how to convince my dad to let me get snapchat?

so i’m 14 years old, and i’m not allowed to have social media. no instagram, snapchat, anything. i don’t really care about instagram, but i really want snapchat. i’ve been asking for it for years and every single time my dad has said no. (i have a single dad so its not like i can ask my mom to convince my dad or anything) he doesnt understand why i need something that just deletes all my messages. but most people are communicating solely through snap now, and barely even text. it’s not about everything deleting, it’s just a fun way of communication. he’s a pretty young dad so he has instagram and snapchat and all social media, which i think is why he won’t let me get it. because he thinks i’m gonna do bad stuff on it, because he’s seen it be done/done it. but i’m not. i’m just tired of being left out of stuff. i’m only gonna be a teenager once, how am i supposed to enjoy it and live it to the fullest when i’m not allowed to?

any advice on how to convince him? i’ve tried everything. even if i gave him the password he would say no.