Never thought I would be tired of sex

Nikki • Trying for our rainbow baby after 2 miscarriages 🤞🏻🌈

We have literally been on a schedule. Every night we have sex with the pillows propped under my ass or stomach then I sit with my legs up for 10-30 min. I try not to cum because I want a girl. I know I’m fucking ridiculous.

ANYWAYS...I want my normal sex life back. I want bjs and crazy disgusting messy sex. I think my BF is starting to get bored. I feel bad, but we have been trying so long I don’t want it to be for nothing. My periods are crazy because of my PCOS so I have no idea when I ovulate I have done LH tests (never come back positive) I have logged my body temp. Done it all sista and I still am fucking clueless.

I am going to give my man the best bj after this is all said and done. Send baby dust.