IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome) and pelvic pain



So since I was 13 I’ve struggled with bowel problems, (sorry if this is TMI) but usually it meant that I would eat anything ( I mean anything) and for some reason my gut just would not agree. I would be on the toilets for hours either in pain constipated or just constantly going. 3years ago I was told that I had IBS which is a dysfunction of the bowels caused by certain foods, in my case it was extreme and it is triggered by certain sugars in foods. Crazy right. Unfortunately you can’t be tested or treated, its more something that you have to live with. Lately I have been experiencing extreme pelvic pain and at first I thought it had something to do with my uterus or in that area but nothing came up. I have seen things on the internet that said you can experience pain from IBS and my doctor did say this is common but because this is something that can’t be simply diagnosed they couldn’t give me a straight answer. Does anyone know if this common?