First and hopefully ONLY IVF cycle

Rikesha • 1st time mom, baby boy born on 6/2/2020, IVF champ

After spending much time wondering why I couldn’t get pregnant, crying and crying each month that I didn’t end up pregnant; I decided to try a fertility clinic. The doctor reviewed my past medical history and decided

<a href="">IVF</a>

was the way to go. She told me I had a damaged tube and

<a href="">IVF</a>

would be the best route since I’ve been TTC for years now. So on my birthday (8/23) I started my injections. I will admit I was scared shitless of the thought of injecting myself but I kept telling myself to look at the bigger picture. I’ve finished shots in and feel like a pro l!!!

On my first update at the doctors in the middle of my medication cycle I had 4 eggs at a 12 in size and 11 at an 11 in size. A few days later they all grew a bit more. The following week (The week of Labor Day) I had my egg retrieval. I will admit I was unsure what to expect but the office soothes my fears. After waking from the anesthesia I found out they extracted a total of 15 🥚!!! Let’s all jump for joy!!


The next day I received a call to inform me that 9 of these eggs were fully matured and 5 of them accepted my boyfriends sperm with the ICSI.

A five days later, 2 of my embryos made it to the blastocyst phase. And on the 6th day the remaining embryos made it to the blastocyst phase as well and are all frozen until after my period comes.

My fingers are crossed and I’m sprinkling baby dust for myself 🤞🏾✨✨✨