Line progression is not getting darker


Help! My HCG test are not getting darker over time. I am absolutely terrified this may be another loss. I know HCG should double every 48-72 hours but not sure my test look like that is happening. I am not experiencing any major cramping or spotting. I am going to go get my initial HCG blood test done today and after that email my doctor. My questions are: 1. can test look like this early on where you don’t see a dark line after four days from first test and 2. if my HCG levels are low can they do anything to help me like prescribe progesterone. The picture below’s data is as follows:

I took duplicate pictures of each test with FMU

First two pics: 13 DPO

Second two pics: 15 DPO

Third two pics: 16 DPO

Fourth two pics: 17 DPO

Thank you,

One very scared momma

Update: My HCG number came back as 4 mIU/ml and the doctor called me as said that anything under 5 is a miscarriage. I started bleeding today. My heart breaks as this will be our second miscarriage in two months and third loss. Thank you to all who responded.