If you’re on the fence about seeing a RE


Just go. Seriously. My husband and I have been married for almost 7 years. We’ve been trying since we got married because my periods have always been off. I figured it would take some time. Little did I know how long it would actually take. We had two miscarriages three years into our marriage and our fertility speciality was all like “you’re young it’ll be fine. Here’s some clomid”. We didn’t do a monitored cycle because she said we were fine so we moved on and kept trying on our own. We did go see a natural doctor who helped with getting my periods back on track. Year five came and I was getting anxious as we hadn’t been successful yet. Even with all the herbs. We went to a new reproductive endocrinologist who was incredible. Yeah, my husband and were fine—- but I had PCOS. She gave me the science behind it all and it made so much sense. She didn’t sugar coat it but she was able to say you’ll be fine- because it’s manageable. For five years I had been peeing on ovulation sticks and pregnancy tests in vain because ovulation sticks never got dark. I couldn’t accurately track my cycle. But I was between 30-35 days. Considering in college I was once a year I was doing really well. This was my first month on femera cd3-7 with an <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> today. If it doesnt work (which studies show on average it takes 3-6 months) that’s okay— I’m more than hopeful for the first time in years. Why? Because I am freaking ovulating!! What?! This girl has science and Jesus working together right now! My first positive on an ovulation test. Hope is back!