FET day!


Yesterday we had our transfer and the day started off ok but as it progressed I became super emotional. Knowing this was our final embryo and attempt at another baby I was feeling the pressure.

Started with 7 am acupuncture then headed over to the clinic for transfer. Clearly my mind was elsewhere because I got on my gown, hat and booties and waited to be called in. Once in and in the table about to put my legs up... the nurse says " you have to remove your panties" dear lord! This of course sent me in to a fit of giggles, how ridiculous of me. Noting that this our 6th transfer and i should know by now I need to allow access hahaha

Headed for accupuncture once we were done to secure the babes and home for lunch and a much needed nap. Thank goodness I opted for the day off.

Daily updates soon to come and lets hope nothing embarrassing happens from now until BFP