Dreamt my husband was pregnant and gave birth

Very strange dream. In my dream, my husband was very visibly 9 months pregnant. There was some scientific research project that allowed men to be artificially impregnated and then at the first sign of a contraction, the man is supposed to go back to the lab in which he conceived, and the doctor/scientist would remove the baby with this 3D printer like machine pointed at his stomach, and the baby would appear in this beam of light and be born... what? So my husband was having contractions, but he didn’t make it known. He went through all of the contractions and labor pains silently, until he finally got on all fours and gave birth doggy style.... in our bed, with one push. I was lying next to him, and I was like “oh my gosh! Catch the baby!” And sprung up and picked up the baby who had landed face first on the bed. The baby started to cry, and my husband was just hanging out doggy style looking mortified. And then the dream flashed to my husband trying to take a shower, and I’m holding the baby. And I say to my husband, who is standing there completely naked with his legs clenched together, “Babe. You were pregnant, but you have a penis. You were supposed to go to the lab to give birth. You might have a vagina now too... bend over and let me check.” And my husband was shocked at what I said and wouldn’t let me check for like 5 minutes, and then he finally bent over, and sure enough. He had a brand new vagina right next to his penis. And I was just like, “ yep. There it is. You can’t shower, we have to go to the lab.” And then the dream cut out and I woke up completely confused.

What in the actual hell could a dream like that mean?? We have one child, a girl who is now 18 months old. I’m not pregnant right now, so idk where in the hell my subconscious created this dream from. Help! This dream is blowing my mind. What do y’all think?