Rejection update


I was dressed up sexy for my husband and when the baby woke up I told him to out him in the playpen. Many minutes later I notice my husband sitting in a chair watching the baby. He said he didn’t feel like putting up the playpen. This is t the only time he’s rejected or found an excuse to walk away from me. But when it’s his idea to have sex he’s okay with letting the baby cry. I hate this and I feel so embarrassed and stupid.

Update: my husband though one of the comments on here was ridiculous and very judgemental. We always watch our child when we can but guess what sometimes children are safe when parents have taken the proper guidelines as we do. We have cameras so we can always hear and watch him. If we want to have sex we put the camera on him and watch him. Yes it’s tricky bc of sex but it works. If he starts to cry we stop and tend to him. All parenting books have said to leave your baby and watch him but let him/her be alone or they will always want you when they don’t necessarily need you. Right now I’m a stay at home mother and trust me, if I didn’t leave my kid in his playpen I wouldn’t get a damn thing done. So maybe if you don’t have something constructive or supportive to say then shut it