Egg counts

For anyone who's had an egg retrieval, how many eggs did you get? What percentage made it to blast?

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26 retrieved, 23 mature - 15 made it to blast - froze 4 automatically, had 11 genetically tested- 8 came back normal so we have 12 frozen total!


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15 retrieved9 were matured 5 fertilized with ICSI5 made it to blastocyst- 2 on day 5, 3 on day 6All 5 frozen!!


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1 cycle: 61 retrieved, 59 mature and fertilized, 21 frozen day 4 embryosTransferring 2 tomorrow!


Jena • Sep 18, 2019
Holy Moley!!!!!! 61 retrieved. I had 44 retrieved and i was in some much pain the day of and it took me a good 6 days to fully recover. Good luck on your transfer. You are one heck of a rockstar!!!


Jessica • Sep 17, 2019
Yes ma’am! It was crazy. I was super swollen and nauseous. I’m glad we took a month off after retrieval so I could recover before we did the transfer. I needed the recovery time.


Loreal • Sep 17, 2019
Wow 61 🥚


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We got 20 mature, 7 fertilized, 5 made it to blasts!


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8 mature, 6 fertilized, find out tomorrow how many made it to day 3! I’m 23 and have diminished ovarian reserve


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19 retrieved18 matures14 fertilized But at the end you only need one good embryo 🐣


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16 eggs 13 mature 11 fertilized 6 frozen and I just transferred my first 5AA yesterday


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16 retrieved13 mature12 fertilised with ICSI11 made it to blasts - 9 sent for PGS testing - 2 frozen untestedPGS results:5 normal1 mosaic3 abnormalSo we have 8 in the freezer (5 normal, 1 mosaic and 2 untested) ❄️🥰


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44 retrieved, 15 made it to blastocyst and frozen at day 5


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Retrieved 6, 2 fertilized, transferred 1 on Day 3, 1 made it to blast and was frozen in Day 5.


Dana • Sep 18, 2019
I ended up getting 7 eggs, and 2 fertilized. I'm hoping like mad I am as fortunate as you and both make it to transfer or freeze!