Does anyone else hate their stepkid(s)?

I’m sorry I feel this was but it literally makes me depressed. I can’t stand my stepson.. I feel like a prisoner in my own home.. I don’t even want to leave the bed when his here and I count down the time until he goes home.

I have never wanted to be a step parent as I knew I would never be able to be that good role model to someone else’s child.

When I met his dad I had no idea he had a son and it wasn’t until things were serious and we were already madly in love that I found out.. and I did leave.. but I missed him terrible and he convinced me it would get easier and that he believed in me and we got back together.

I tried for awhile but the more I tried to be okay and involved the more I grew to resent his son and his baby mama more and more.

Well here I am 2 months pregnant.. so walking is no longer an option for me.. but I literally cannot stand his son... hearing him or looking at him...

It’s the only thing we fight about or that creates a divide or stress between us (emotionally and financially)

I just wish he didn’t exist 😭 I know that’s a horrible thing to say and I mean this child no harm but I literally feel like our lives would be better off without him 😥

How did you guys who love their step kids get passed this? I have sought counselling and she explained a lot of people feel like way and it’s our job to be a good role model but we don’t “have” to love them like our own but we need to be there for them the best way we can be.

I’m worried once the baby comes these feelings of resentment will just get stronger and I’m worried I’ll tear our little family apart 😭💔