Getting discouraged....

I'm on round two of clomid at 100mg, first round was at 50mg and I didnt ovulate. Im currently waiting for a peak I've had 5 high opk days so far. Last cycle I had high days up until I had my 21 day progesterone blood draw and I stopped taking them since they told me I didnt ovulate. We have been trying to conceive since December. My doctor ran test to see if I have pcos and still not sure if I have it the last day I seen my doctor was July 3rd, the nurse called about my pcos blood results and I asked her if I had it and she said from the results I would say your borderline, since my doctor didnt do an ultrasound. I have a gut feeling this cycle I'm not going to ovulate and they will just increase my clomid to 150mg and not want to see me. Also I had to take provera both cycles to induce my period, hopefully wont have to take it again. I have no clue what the length of my cycle is anymore since my periods have been out of wack since November, in November I had a period skipped December had a period January skipped February had one in march skipped April-July was not pregnant. Any advice or any suggestions would be much appreciated