Most embarrassing moment of my life.

So, me and my bf of about ten months love taking baths together (we shower after), bit of back story I’ve had quite an unsettled tummy all day today, so we get in the warm bubbly bath n were just cosy n chatting about our days

When I started to feel a little bubbly inside and my tummy got a strange feeling like I had to release a bit of gas.. so I gave the most gentle push hoping not to set up any bubbles but here we are -

I started laughing and so did he.. whilst laughing I guess I went again, except this time there was a smell. A bad bad smell. I glanced down and the bath was turning BROWN. I HAD DIARRHEA IN THE TUB. I shot up and he didn’t realise why until he realised it was sticking to him. I think I died on the spot. Running out of the bathroom with watery poop all over me, mortified, sobbing and also panic laughing.

To my surprise he didn’t get upset or grossed out (he’s a nurse) and he come running through to see to me, comforted me and we went in the shower together n he cleaned me off 😂 now we’re lying together watching dirty dancing and he’s eating pizza, me toast to try settle this stomach of mine. NEVER WILL I LET OUT A SMALL FART IN THE BATH AGAIN.