Is he wrong or am I being a complete bitch

Okay so I need help if I'm right or am I just being a complete bitch.

So we live with my husband's uncle on his land and they got accidentally pregnant. she's thirty something and he's 50 something. So she's almost due she's about 30 something weeks and in the mornings she takes the girls to the bus stop. She has three girls and I have one girl and she takes all the girls to the bus stop and in the afternoon I pick up the girls from the bus stop. It's not that far. it's maybe around 500 ft waking distance. So today I told my husband I was getting ready to go pick up the girls at the bus stop and he said is blank feeling sick or something and I was like no but each morning she walks them to the bus stop and in the afternoon I pick them up from the bus stop and he told me he was like you didn't take them today and I was like no because I pick them up again and he was like oh so what are you going to do and I'm like what do you mean if I drop them off in the morning I am going to be late for school. The bus doesn't pass for the girls until 6:30 and I have to leave my house by 6:10 in order to make it on time at school because I still got to go drop off my son and then from there head on my way to school. He's like so what are you going to do when the baby is born I'm like what do you mean what I'm going to do he's like yeah what are you going to do how you going to take the girls. Now what I want to know is it my responsibility to take the girls in the morning even though I will be super late to school which eventually have me kicked out of school or is it their responsibility even though they're going to have a newborn to take the girls to school which like I said they have three my little girl just walks with them accompanies them and I pick em up everyday from school am I being a bitch fot not wanting to take the girls in the morning to the bus stop even though I will be late or do they just have to figure it out themselves she knows how to drive and they do have two vehicles is just that the husband is so stuck-up that he doesn't leave the smallest vehicle to her for he can take it to work instead he leaves a big truck which he knows she does not know how to drive and another point is when I had my son at 4 days old I was already driving 25 minutes every day to go drop off my daughter at school and it was in the winter time so my son was a baby a newborn me driving him to go drop off my daughter and then coming back like I said that's nobody else's responsibility that's my responsibility so I want to know if I'm in the wrong for not wanting to take them or is my husband right

Okay this was voice typed so maybe that is why many had a hard time to read it. I corrected it. But to answer on the few comments I have.

She doesn't get my daughter ready I wake up EVERYDAY at 5 am get ready wake my daughter up at 5 30 am get her all ready then leave by 6 10 in order for me to drop off my son at 6 55 and get to school at 7 40. My daughter can walk to the bus stop it's literally like only 500 feet so if she wouldn't want to take her I mean that's perfectly understandable. All im saying is I will be withdrawn from school if I take them to the bus stop and wait for the bus to pass at 6 30 which I will be arriving to school by 8:10 8:15. My school starts at 7:50

And yes we do pay rent.