How many eggs fertilized? *update*2

Just wondering what everyone’s numbers are?!? I had 10 eggs retrieved all were said to be mature but only 4 made it to be fertilized 😕 now I have to wait til Saturday and see how many make it to day 5 to freeze. Just want to compare with others and hear some hopeful stories!!


talked with the embryologist this morning she said 2 were looking good they were going to freeze tomorrow (day 6) hopefully. She couldn’t give me a certain answer if they would freeze she just said she would call me tomorrow. Not sure if that’s good or bad..

the other two she said are still growing but they’re taking their sweet time so they’re going to let them go to Monday and see where they’re at..

not sure if this is exactly good news but hopefully she calls me tomorrow and I have two to freeze which is way better than none! Fingers crossed! I never heard of them letting some go to day 7 though but I guess if they’re still growing that’s good?!?


We only have one on ice my other 3 stopped growing 😢.. they said the one we have is graded as a 4bc which I know isn’t bad but isn’t great either.. we’re going to wait an extra cycle to transfer so probably sometime in December.. I’m so disappointed that we only got one out of 10!