Guy friend wants to be more

I am so absolutely lost and confused with what I’m feeling right now. I have been friends with this guy for almost 3 years now. He has been my go to person for everything. He is the one I want to call when something good or bad happens. He has gone out of his way to help me with things. He genuinely cares for me so much. My kids like him and he likes my kids and treats them awesome as well. We started off as friends and then things kinda went a little bit towards relationship type of thing. We have kissed and we have had sex. The thing is I don’t really feel any spark when I kiss him. I’m also not that much attracted to him. I am attracted to how he cares for me and has been so awesome but looks wise not so much. Now I would be the first person to say looks aren’t everything. I’ve tried so hard to try and make this more but I just can’t get there. The few times we’ve had sex it was ok but nothing spectacular and again it just felt so weird and I kinda lost interest half way through. I just don’t know how well a relationship would turn out in the long run if I am not physically attracted to him. I know that isn’t everything in a relationship but it needs to be there some. He also has a bit of a

Cocky mr know it all attitude that is a turn off. I am going crazy because I feel like different things have pulled us together and he is like the nicest guy and so perfect for bf material but it just isn’t all there for me. I don’t know if I just feel we are better as friends and those are the feelings I have or if I do have feelings for him in other ways. He is now telling me we cannot be friends anymore because he just can’t take it. So it’s we become bf gf or nothing at all. I really don’t want to lose my best friend. I also can’t sit here and continue to hurt him. I feel so bad about the whole situation. I just don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to figure out all the things going through my head about it. Sometimes I feel like I have feelings and sometimes I don’t. Ugh can anyone give me any advice?!

Sorry that was a bit of a ramble. I’m just frustrated.