Boy troubles

Alicia • 22• Michigan

My boyfriend wants to quit his job and I’m strongly against it and here’s why

He plans to quit it and focus on school and himself. That’s all fine and dandy however his car is falling apart, he wants to buy a $17,000 car. He also wants to move out on his own, with no roommate. I told him it’s a bad idea because he has all these plans and they all require money. He’s kinda acting like I’m being a gold digger for wanting him to have a job. Like he didn’t say that but he said “if you wouldn’t be with me if I didn’t have money then I’m done”

Which isn’t true. I don’t want him for his money but I also don’t want him to be poor ya know? Am I in the wrong for encouraging him to keep his job, or at least get a part time job so he can have some sort of income?