Just Refered to a Fertility Specialist


I'm kind-of at a loss. I went met with my obgyn to discuss options.

I'm 27, my husband 28, and we've been TTC for about 14 months now.

My cycles are extremely regular, clock-work even. I was on birth control for about 8 years and stopped it one month before we really started trying.

I got my first positive three months after trying, but unfortunately it was an early miscarriage (around 6-7 weeks). After that, it took about 6 months for my body to regulate and get a normal 28 day cycle again. Once I was regular again, it took about two months to conceive again. But, that ended as another chemical pregnancy.

I've done work-ups for PCOS and everything came back normal. So, my doctor suggested going to a fertility specialist to continue next steps.

I've already set up an appointment, I was able to get in this Friday. But, I'm at a loss at what to expect or how to feel.

I'm extremely down and upset that this is where life is leading us. 😰