How have I been doing since my surgery?


So I’ve been posting ever since my abdominal surgery back in March. I had a tumor taken out that came back Benign (Thank you God)

It was 23 cm long and 9 cm wide. I knew it was there but was so scared to get it looked at but I finally did it and the doctors were worried it was cancerous.

Honestly, I’m so happy it wasn’t cancer but it’s really affected me. I had anxiety and depression before my surgery but It has gotten so much worst since then. I can’t go a day without having a panic attack. I’m so disgusted with my body. I don’t like wearing anything but loose shirts anymore because you can see how deformed my stomach is. Everybody says that I just need to be thankful it was benign but it’s not always that easy. It’s not some tiny scar you can hide with make up.

I go back in for my 6 month check up next month and have to get another CT scan. I’m super nervous and praying that the tumor hasn’t come back because I really don’t wanna go through that again so if everyone could please say a prayer! Also, I will update y’all whenever I get my CT scan.