Husbands Promotion

My husband has told me since the day we met he wants to work in a specialized division as an cop. Well after 6 years he’s finally been promoted.

The issue is he will now be working more then he already is which is 4-6 days a week 12 hour shifts depending on the week. He will be working in the dangerous part of the city. (Not that any area is truly safe)

My main concern is we have 2 kids a 2 year old and a 4 month old and they both miss him when he’s working so much. I know this is his dream working with this unit and helping the community but I feel Like the family gets thrown to the way side a lot. Not sure if I need advice as much as I needed to just vent it’s like I am a single mom most of the time. It makes me feel like I’m being ungrateful for being upset that he works so much.

**thank you ladies for your comments, yes I knew what I was getting into but just because I knew it doesn’t make it any easier. I mean how many Women can run the house, work and have two kids and do it alone and not complain that they wish they had help.

But thank you for point out that I signed up for it, I had no idea, I guess I should have not posted after having a rough day, not much of a support group as a tear down group, lesson learned 🤷‍♀️**