It started on November 28th 2018 ❤️



On November 28th 2018 we got our BFP and I was so emotional and scared but so happy ❤️

Fast forward 2 weeks, I was 6 weeks pregnant and was so ill with morning sickness. Diagnosed with HG I spent more than half of my pregnancy bedridden 💔

6th January we had our first scan at 9 weeks. Our baby was perfect with a heart rate of 170. ❤️

19th March we found out she was a girl! 💕

21 weeks in and we moved into our dream home! 🏠

Finally ready for her to arrive ❤️

On the 7th August (due the 8th) my doctor gave me a sweep due to recurrent reduced movements and polyhydramnios. I had cramping all night but by the next morning I had nothing. Late on August 8th I had a huge bloody show/mucus plug come out and I was so excited that it might finally happen. But still nothing.

On the 10th August at 04:40am my waters broke in bed and literally EXPLODED. No kidding. Fluid everywhere. 😅 (Highly recommend maternity mats)

Phoned the hospital and they said to go in as I was having some mild cramping. Hooked up to the CTG and baby girl was super happy and they were happy for me to labour at home and go back later when things progressed.

When I got home I put the tens machine on and watched some TV and movies to get my happy hormones going but after a while I couldn’t concentrate and decided to have a bath.

At 7pm I was struggling so went back to the hospital to be checked. To my dismay I was only 3-4cm. They gave me some paracetamol and oramorph which took the edge off and I had another bath in the hospital.

After 2 hours in the bath, at 10pm things went crazy. Got out and was checked again and I was 8cm!

They let me get into the birthing pool which was so nice and warm and I used gas and air to help me through my contractions.

I felt the urge to push so my midwife said I could start pushing if I felt like it. After 2 hours of pushing in the pool, I could feel her head with my fingers but she wasn’t coming out on her own 😢

They got me out and put my legs in the stirrups and checked me again. I was fully dilated but baby was in a weird position so needed help to come out. They called in the doctor who decided to deliver her via ventouse. At this point my paracetamol and oramorph had worn off and I was no longer using the gas. Ouch!! Would not go all natural again lol 😭

I had a second degree tear and a tear in my labia (which is still healing almost 6 weeks later).

Almost 24 hours after my water broke, at 02:43am on August 11th 2019 my baby girl was here ❤️

8lbs9oz and 22 inches long and absolutely perfect ❤️

Sophia Mary

Also got to see my placenta which was awesome!

She latched great straight away but after some difficulties with jaundice (look how yellow she was 💔) and lack of support we are formula feeding now which breaks my heart but it works well for us ❤️ breastfeeding is not easy, hats off the mommas who ebf!

Tip for mums who want to BF - don’t give up! I have photos to treasure for our short BF journey which is lovely ❤️

She is now almost 6 weeks old and is the light of my life, I love her so much and she amazes me everyday ❤️ (She also has great hair 🤪)

Already want to have another haha! 🤣

(Sorry for the photo spam, couldn’t resist 🤣)

Congratulations to those with their babies, good luck to those still waiting or trying ❤️

You got this mommas!



If you’re not sure about having a water birth or not, definitely try it! The water was so nice and warm it was amazing. Even if you just labour in the pool and have baby outside of it! This is the pool I was in and it was amazing ❤️