One ovary - Fertility questions?

Hi all! I do plan to visit a doctor soon (switched insurances a while ago and I currently don’t have a regular gyno so I’m looking around) but this has been on my mind a lot so I figured it’s worth something to post in here if anyone has similar experiences.

I am 25 years old - when I was 18 I had to have emergency surgery to have one of my ovaries removed because I had apparently had a massive (6 inch) cyst that I had absolutely no clue about, which eventually caused ovarian torsion and snapped one of my ovaries off 🤯 My number one concern during that entire process was CAN I STILL GET PREGNANT? And the doctors assured me I would be fine.

The years have gone by and although I know that you are logistically fine with one egg producing ovary, my worries have always lingered, both fertility wise and worries about if I’m having more massive cysts and have no clue again. I had zero symptoms before!

I had also been on birth control since I was 17 and I got off it about 6 months ago and have been using FAM. (Love Love Love it)

I just got engaged to my boyfriend of 7 years (EEK!!!) and so naturally babies have been on my mind a LOT. We don’t plan to start actively trying until around a year after our wedding (so about 2 years from now) but my #1 dream in life to be a mommy.


- Will only having one ovary make it more difficult for me to conceive? I know I am “fine” BUT I wasnt given much details about this and am still trying to research

- Should I be worrying about cysts if I have no symptoms? It bothers me that I had NO idea I had one for so long (it had died and turned black bc I had it so long)

- I know I am “young” but they always say we women have a timer on our eggs! Should I be asking for any other testing such as my ovarian reserves to ease my mind / plan ahead???

I may be in over my head just being paranoid as heck but it just drives me crazy worrying 🤪🤪🤪 HELP.