

I am currently 38 Weeks and at my last appointment, my doctor suggested that I look into induction at around 39 Weeks. My baby boy is measuring at the 75th percentile and my body is really starting to go down hill. Nothing major, just really uncomfortable, really swollen, and just exhausted. I know, sounds like everyone right? Well, I just thought that when baby boy wants to come, then he'll come. But my doctor was explaining to me that my recovery time will be easier, and that my baby is completely healthy and full term. She also mentioned that if I do decide to go with an induction, that it's technically considered an 'elective' and when she said that, all I saw were $$$ dollar signs =/ I'd love to hear from you ladies who have gone the induction route or are thinking about doing so. I just feel like I still have such little information on the whole thing, and hearing from you ladies would really help. Thanks. =)