Letrozole Timing?

Caitlin • Mama to 2 sweet little girls 🎀🎀 & an angel baby 👼🏼 - PCOS - Hopeful for #3 🤍

Hi ladies! Moving on over to the Letrozole community after failed cycles with Clomid. I’m scheduled for an HSG next weekend. The new fertility specialist I am seeing told me if all goes well, he will start me on Letrozole “right away” following the procedure. I was thrilled to hear this, but once I looked at the timeline it didn’t make sense to me. An HSG is conducted on CD 10, 11, or 12, but Letrozole is supposed to be started on CD 3 or 5 I thought. (It’s probably important to add that I have PCOS and do not ovulate on my own. 4 out of the 5 periods I’ve had in the last year have been forced by medication.)

Has anyone had an experience of starting Letrozole at a later date? Thoughts?