The first time I went to a party story 🤣

My mom was very strict and I just gave up trying to have an equal social life to my peers and pretty much became a home-body. I still am. I’m still very much a loser lol.

My senior year I was 17 and my mom was like “why don’t you go anywhere, loser.” And I was like uhhhh, okay? So I went to my coworkers 18th birthday party.

What they didn’t tell me is that they had her 30 year old sister rent a hotel room and leave. When I got there, there was alcohol, cocaine and weed. They also had like a crap ton of cough medicine from walgreens and were mixing it with the alcohol. Like, why?

My sheltered ass was like “now what in the god damn fuck.”

So everyone gets super fucked up. I am just sitting there watching everyone snort coke and drink alcohol like 👀👀👀

And I wanted to call my mom but I didn’t want to be a snitch.... because my mom would have definitely come into that hotel room and been like “WHY ARE YOU INFANTS SNORTING MARIJUANA IM CALLING 911!”

So I just sit there and these girls leave and don’t say where they are going, I thought they were going on a cocaine high walk low I had no idea. They were fucked up.

Then another girl on the bed beside me is like trying to have sex with this guy and won’t get off of him even though he’s saying no and I’m sitting on this bed like “oh my god. He said stop. Get off of him.”

Like at this point that’s assault.

Well he finally gives in and she’s just sucking him off and I get up and say “I REALLY don’t want to see that oh my god I am so uncomfortable.”

So they go to the bathroom, all the sudden some men are screaming and beating on the hotel door saying they know we have weed. Everything weird that could possible be happening was happening.

So I’m freaking the hell out. Eventually they just stop, i dont know why they stopped but they really scared me. I was 17 and knew nothing about all that shit and people were fucking in the hotel bathroom like wild animals while high on coke and cough drops and there’s men beating on the door saying they want the weed. My head was spinning and I was the only sober person there. I call my cousin who was 25 to come get me and he drove 45 minutes to get there and came into the hotel room and stole all of the alcohol and we left and I still have never ever told my mom 🤣🤣🤣

Also those two girls who left while high on Coke got into their car and ran a redlight and nearly killed someone. Yeah I never talked to any of these people again.

And please don’t be mad at me for not snitching everyone out, I was 17. Now I know that would have been the best but then I was just trying to mind my fucking business and not die or be killed by my mom. Ffs I just wanted to go home.

Edit: I thought the girls that were fucked up were just going on a walk or to the pool. I didn’t think they were going to get into the car and drive around while on a cocktail of weed cocaine cough syrup and alcohol or I would have tried to stop them too