The Worst Night in a Long Time

I don't make my private life public because I believe my husband and I should deal with our issues by ourselves in private. Tonight, I just need a place to vent and to calm down.

We have a daughter together and are pregnant with another girl. I worried something might be wrong because the doctor wanted more scans of her face... I confided in my husband about my concerns, as I felt I should be able to do. I then read the typed report on my hospital profile and saw that everything was fine and I worried for no reason.

Well..... My husband told me he would be home late because he screwed up at work and needed to fix somethings, that he would be home late. That is normal with his position, so I thought nothing of it.

He lied. He actually went out drinking with the alcoholic from his work (which he's done before, but never like this.) They brought him home and parked on the neighbor's lawn. Rang the doorbell over and over again (this is 11:30PM, our daughter is sleeping, dog was sleeping, I was about to sleep.) Surprisingly our daughter sleep through everything. They gave me his keys and insisted I keep him home. I moved his car and came back in.

Long story short, it started with I'm a bad wife because I embarrassed him in front of them making the guys think that he can't take care of himself and I didn't support him. Then apparently I am making him out to be a bad person. THEN he keeps talking extremely loud about why did I say his daughter is going to be abnormal, yada yada. He refused to go to sleep. Kept yelling over and over. He didn't care about the stress he was putting on m and our unborn daughter, I was crying so hard that I was dry heaving. Says he hates me, doesn't give a shit about me, is leaving the house and everything to me, I can take everything, I have no husband, etc. And then he kept having mood swings apologizing and then laughing and then getting angry again, like a roller coaster. He kept repeating himself and asked "why the F**k I told him his daughter is abnormal" (I never said she was, I was just concerned.) He said having daughters is a punishment for being such a Playboy and screwing so many women around the world. He said a father can't truly be proud about having a daughter let alone an abnormal one.

He has finally passed out in bed. I'm sitting in the other room. I cleaned and put away laundry. I'm exhausted and want to sleep, but have no where to sleep because so don't want to be next to such a disgusting person. I never knew he was this kind of person when I married him. We have been married for almost 4 years. I wish he would keep his word and leave. I'm praying he does. I want my daughters to have a father and I want my husband, but I don't want this man and I don't want him around our daughters. He has been staying at work as much as possible lately, and breaking our daughter's heart. It would be so much better for he did he would just leave now. Better for all of us. I wish he would leave. 😭😭😭😭

TO ANSWER A QUESTION**I don't want to reply because then it reveals my name, but I have no where to go, have not worked since our daughter was born, have no money of my own saved up. 99% of the things in the house are mine and our daughter's. I have no car because mine kicked the can about a year ago and I haven't wanted another until very recently. Closest family is an hour away and they aren't in the position to bring me and my daughter/ soon to be born in. It is truly harder to figure out leaving than to wait for him to go. We also have cats and a dog which aren't ready to move with on short notice. He is foreign and working on renewing his green card and wants to do his citizenship when 3yr happens, which is in a few months. I grew up without a dad and hated it, he was a drunk.