Dear Mom

I'm sorry..

I'm really sorry.

But when I get pregnant.. I'm really considering to not let you have any contact with your grandchild.

I know we talk.. But not about the important stuff.

Not about how you favored my brother.. Not about how you refused to see how he was treating me. Refusing to see that he hit me, trew me around the room, blocked me, annoyed me until I got angry and then he saw that as an excuse to hit me till I got knocked out. Refusing to see him trying to cut me with knives.. Multiple times.. When you were right there.

Not about how you told us to hate our father , who was actually very caring and involved. Not about how you were never there, but you were in your locked room smoking and doing whatever on the computer.

Not about how you were angry at me for inviting My Dad to my school for important events.

I want my kid to grow up happy.. To not have to deal with your childish behaviour because you just "don't want to see my dad" especially because you wanted to leave not only him, but us too.. To be with another man.

Maybe you should have.. Maybe your attorney shouldn't have told you to 'keep the kids so your ex owes you money'

I want my kid to have both grandparents.. I'm all about family and your mom is your mom and you only have one. You don't deserve it but I want to give you the chance. But please note that if you can't be in thesame room with my dad without drama for the sake of your grandchild that will end the relationship between my kid and you.


She doesn't even acknowledge that anything ever happened. We've went to psychologists when I was 18 and finally got any help. The psychologist said that I better not wait or hope for any apologies because in her head none of it happened. The psycologist said my brother was anti-social or something so he knew what he was doing and knew it was 'sort of wrong' but he didn't feel any remorse.