you dont believe it until you see it.🌈🌈

Meg β€’ πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘§. Mom toπŸ‘§. πŸ‘Ό. πŸŒˆπŸ‘§πŸ€°

I had a MMC in may. it was heartbreaking and devastating. I've never seen my husband cry until the day we got that phone call. ilk never forget it. it took us 2 years to concieve #2. and we had to take clomid to get there. After that we decided to not try but not prevent. I had one cycle return in june. and I was going to restart clomid in July. I had the prescription out ready to be filled. I got this weird feeling at work I was so hungry I could get sick. I dont get like that I normally could go almost all day without being starving. I took a test and there were faint lines. I was shocked. I got pregnant on a digital.

my husband and I were thrilled but very cautious. I was scared to be excited. I would constantly check myself to see if I was bleeding when I wiped and thought no way. I still have fears. I went to my doctor on Wednesday and told her how scared I was she found heartrate right away in the doppler. I started crying. I'm currently 11w5d. I did the NT scan this morning

and my dates match up perfectly with me LMP. I am so excited now and the scan came back good as well. I prayed alot to God this month and putting my faith in him has comforted me. please continue to pray for me and help this baby thrive.🌈πŸ₯°πŸŒˆπŸ₯°.