4 weeks


I just took a test today. My glow fertility app said my period should’ve started by now. I didn’t think anything of it because my period can be kind of weird since I breastfeed my almost two year old on and off.

I’ve almost got him completely weaned off thank god!

Well my at home pregnancy test gave a very clear positive. But I was just at the doctors on Tuesday and they had me give them a urine sample. Maybe they didn’t check for any hcg levels but I don’t want to get my hopes up just in case it’s a false positive.

I am planning on testing again in the morning and was hoping that I’d be able to go see my doctor today but apparently they close super early on Friday!

I’m trying not to stress out but I want to see a doctor pronto.

Please send good vibes and prayers. I’ve been praying about this little one!!