Thinking of you all ❤️


It’s crazy how in life you grow up being prepared for things that will excite you and things that will scare you, but you never grow up being prepared for the invisible disease of infertility. Growing up I was always told if you have sex you will get pregnant, then it was if you have unprotected sex you will get pregnant so I always thought that was the way it went. when I met the love of my life I new it was time to have a baby. Around me family and friends and work colleagues always planned when they would have a baby and every time it would go to plan, so I just assumed it would with myself lol how wrong I was, I didn’t even know infertility existed until I realised something wasn’t right when I got my period every month.

Oh stop stressing they would say it will happen, oh stop thinking about it trust me it will happen that’s what so and so did. Oh just book a holiday and you will get pregnant when your on holiday. people would go on and on and all would hear was about a friend or a family member or something they have read on a story about someone else’s miracle baby story. It’s crazy to me how so many people have so much to say about my situation but know so little about infertility. after all theses years and numerous rounds of <a href="">IUI</a>/ <a href="">IVF</a> and 3 miscarriages and thousands of pounds I’m still waiting for my miracle story and if I’m honest feels like it’s never going to happen. I know now being on glow I’m not the only one who is battling infertility

I understand you, I am you and I pray for you all 🙏🙏🙏