Period after breastfeeding

I breastfeed my son until he was 9 months old (in May). I got my period after that as expected. But I have been having crazy long and weird periods ever since. Sometimes it's 2 weeks long or it's just light bleeding where all I need is a panty liner. But I feel like I'm constantly on my period and I'm soo sick of it. It's like I only have 1 week the entire month where I don't have to wear a tampon, pad or liner. I'm soo tired of it!

I'm just curious if anyone else has experienced the same thing or is it just me? I got an IUD placed after having him and I thought maybe that was causing the bleeding but my gyno said irregular bleeding can be normal upto 6 months post breastfeeding.

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Not sure about anyone else but my periods were pretty close to normal while nursing (I say while because there’s never been an after for me lol both times I’ve weaned so far I’ve already been pregnant again). I do know from various friends that prolonged periods are a common symptom when using an IUD so I’d bet it’s more from that than nursing. Could be a combo of both though. I had a friend who bled for 6 months straight with an IUD before she removed it finally 😬😬