37W 3D Mucus Plug Or???

So I was masturbating this morning using a toy and after I noticed I was bleeding, never had this happen before so I called my doctor’s office and spoke with a nurse. She said it was probably just burst blood vessels since they’re so close to the surface now and not to worry about it unless the bleeding increases or contractions pick up. These pictures are from around 11 this morning.

It’s now 6 pm and I’m still bleeding and now noticing some clotting when I go to the bathroom. It’s not just blood anymore like earlier it looks like post bloody nose mucus on the tissue when I wipe.

Been having some stronger cramping in my lower stomach/back/upper thighs and irregular contractions. FTM so I’m not really sure what to think? Was dilated 3cm 80% effaced and baby boy is sitting at a 0 station when I was checked on Sunday.