Kyra • Heart warrior mama of baby boy born 27 June 💙💙💙

12 weeks old today and finally we are going home tomorrow!

1857g gained. (1727g-3582g)

85 days in NICU.

70 days on respiratory support.

32 days of infusions.

14 days in an incubator.

2 hospitals.

1 open heart surgery.

And many many pokes, echos, ultrasounds and xrays.

This little man is the light of my life and the strongest person over ever met.

No matter what the world throws at him he comes out on top, from sepsis to collapsed lungs.

Our journey isn’t over yet, we will be seeing a cardiac paediatrician every two weeks until his next open heart surgery (~3 months).

But we are going home.

We love you Levi Rawiri Renata