Did Plan B work?

So I'm pretty sure I know the answer of this, but for my sanity I just want to be sure. 
My boyfriend and I had sex on Saturday, and he at first did not have on a condom. When he pulled out while not using said condom, my vaginal area was extremely wet, making us both think that he pre-came (which he did not feel). 
So, after we finished having sex (with a condom) we decided that I ahould take plan B, just to be safe, even though I have been on the pill, and have been using it "perfectly" for over 2 months now. About 14 hours later, I took Plan B and then my regular birth control pill 2 hours after. But, about 1 1/2 hours after taking Plan B, I expierenced diarrea out of absolutley nowhere. That makes me think that the Plan B wasn't fully ingested. Could that be true?
I am 90% sure that I'll be ok, judging by the fact that I have never missed my BC pill and have taken it at the same time every day for as long as I have been on it (about 2 1/2 months,) but I just want to get some feedback and make sure.