He loves being big brother to his baby sister



August 16th we welcomed our second baby into the world.. she was our gender surprize baby

The love my son has for his sister is so cute ... Every time she cries he rubs to attend to her. Gets excited when mommy says "wanna hold sissy" and goes sits in his spot on the couch to hold her.

When we go to leave the house when she's in the carseat he attempts to pick her up if he thinks we might forget her. 😂😂😂

There bond already is amazing so excited to watch them grow.

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Love it!!! My boys are 16 months apart - Jan 29 18 and June 5 19. Big B does ths same thing with the carseat when he thinks we forget! He loves to give him the pacifier, looks for him first thing when he gets up, and always lets us know when he cries. Most recently, big brother has loved when the baby touches him while flailing his arms! 😂 I can't wait to see the interactions as they get bigger! Oh! And he LOVES kissing his head too.