Am I pregnant? Very confused


Hello Ladies! So, I have been ttc; this month i used ovulations tests to track my ovulation. We had sex on the days that we were suppose to multiple times. I have been having really back acid reflex lately along with crazy sore full feeling breast, have to pee all the time, these little headaches that randomly come and go and have these little “cramps” that come and go. I have endometriosis so my cramps are horrible, these felt more like pressure kind of. I have been tracking my cervical mucus, it was watery the beginning of the week then for one day it was like a creamier with bigger like string looking white pieces (kinda hard to explain, but I’ve never had that happen before) and now for the past 3 days my mucus is completely dry. I was suppose to get my period today and it didn’t come, nor do I have any cramps that feel even close to period cramps. I have been buying pregnancy tests by the bulk and for some reason feel like I might be pregnant this time so I’ve taken a lot of tests. I took another one today at about 2 in the afternoon and that came up negative too. Has anyone else experienced anything like this or have any suggestions?!?!