I started breaking out when I was 14/15. It slowly progressed to cystic acne. I'm 21 now and still get a few pimples here and there when I have high stress levels and on my period. But it's nothing like what it used to be. The photo on the left was one of the worst acne breakouts I've had. The right was taken this past month when no makeup on.

Trust me, I tried everything back then. Diy face masks, prescribed face wash, oral medication, birth control, high end products, chemical peels, shots, cutting of dairy, drinking tons of water, never wore makeup in fear of making it worse than what it was. I didn't want to go on accutane because of all the risks it had. I was not willing to put myself through that. And I couldn't see a dermatologist because that was way out of my budget and I simply could not afford it.

But it all got better. All I'm left with now is scars and hyperpigmentation.

There are days where I still get frustrated over my skin but I always remind myself of the progress i made.

[Contact information removed by Glow]

To everyone out there who has acne, things will get better. You are not alone. 🧡


Products I've used :

Asepxia : helped a ton but was very harsh and dried out skin a ton

Now I'm using Clearly Basics "power Duo" product :)))