Late, lightheaded, and negative 😔


I have PCOS, but for the last year I have had regular periods. I track my BBT and can see where my temp goes up after ovulation. So my typical cycle is between 29-35 days, with ovulation around day 18-20. I usually have light spotting for 2 or 3 days before my actual period starts. I am currently on cd 37 and have had no spotting at all or any of my usual symptoms I have before my period starts like sore boobs and cramps. I have been feeling lightheaded/dizzy regularly throughout the day since cd 29. I just took a first response test and it was negative. This is the first cycle in a year that I haven't tracked my I don't know if I even ovulated this cycle. Since my test was negative and I have PCOS I am worried that maybe I didn't ovulate this month and my cycle is just off track again. I've always heard that you aren't out until your period shows up, but I have none of the typical indications that it is about to start and I am testing negative. I feel like if I was pregnant it would show on a test by now. I'm kicking myself now for not doing my BBT this least then I would know if I ovulated. Anyone else ever experience something similar??

My husband and I have been trying for about 3 years. I've taken clomid and everything bc at first I didn't have a regular cycle and wasn't ovulating. My doctor now wants me to go to a fertility specialist, but I really am hesitant to do this. We serve a mighty God and I know he can make this happen. I am just so frustrated and heartbroken after 3 years with no success.