Introducing a pacifier


Hello my dears! I was wondering if any of you have any advice on introducing a pacifier for a 7month old (bf and just started solids at 6mths). My baby had horrible reflux till some time ago, and because of that I had to rock and hold her to sleep every single time. That led to nursing to sleep and me becoming a human pacifier 😭 Don't get me wrong, I love the snuggles with my baby girl but it has started to take it's toll on my health and sanity, because she wakes up EVERY night in 45mins-1h intervals and looks for my boob to comfort nurse. I don't want to do CIO and am well aware that it's not ok to trade one sleep association for another but I really want to get her to take a pacifier. As you can imagine, my little 🐒 spits it out the second I have it near her lips. Please, PLEASE, have any of you found a way to "trick" - I know, I know not a nice thing to do - your babies into taking it?